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Games > PC
1.3 GB

+5 / -3 (+2)

Sep 22, 2009


GTA VICE CITY made by xtorrent team the site wil be soon avalible


i burned the images on two cds, installed cd1 and completed the instalation with cd2 but when i start the game my drive keeping read thew cd and the game doesnt start. did i misssing any step...???
@L3nz3 first of all is burning a waste of time, u should download magicdisk (magiciso) or daemon tools ( i suggest daemon tools ) but it doesnt work for me so i used magiciso and mount the cd1 on a virtual disk this is way faster, after need cd2 u unmount cd1 and mount cd 2 u will be able to start the game but u need to mount it everytime, so i suggest downloading a gta_vc.exe no_cd crack and backup ur old gta_vc.exe now u can start the game without cd or mount :D
It keeps saying wrong CD inserted insert vice city PLAY disc, when thats what's mounted.
get the gta crack file from one of the cds (i think its in the play cd in crack folder...) replace it with the orginal

.: Need any help? Ask HHBuster or just comment again asking me :.
this game is full or rip? i just want to know if have the radios
I did everything as stated and whenever I click play gta vice city(Ive even tried running as admin)it acts like its going to start then it just stops? I Mounted disc 1 using magicdisc, installed the game. Unmounted. Then mounted disc 2. What am I doing wrong?
btw there is no crack folder in the play disc iso.
You need Daemon Tools
thank you works amazing
same plz respond
mybad nvm but i installed useing daemon software or whatever i click the shortcut but it just reads the disc but doesnt start plz help
To HHBuster

I downloaded both files, and tried everything I could, But I can't make it work. I didn't find crack files. I tried to unrar data1, data2 and data3 but they seem to be broken or so. please help me I need a step by step guide to this and my english isn't very good. Pleaseee help.
downloading now at 1.4MB/s cant wait to install this and mod it out! hope this works!
DOESN'T WORK! have mounted and installed with Magic ISO AND Daemon Tools, an error pops up saying that the disc in drive is the wrong volume, then when I go to start the game it shows me the little spinning cd icon signifying it is trying to read from the drive but absolutely nothing happens... so same problem everyone else is having, PLEASE HELP US ALL OUT ALREADY IF YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED THIS GAME!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DOESN'T WORK!!!!! DON'T DOWNLOAD!!!!!!
I can't see any blood, is that me or is it the file?
I would like to see some i i drive someone over
oh, and i cant shoot heads oof with a sniper rifle. That really sucks
Never Played Vice City but all my friends say its good for me San Andreas is better then GTA 4 hope they make a San Andreas Stories or next GTA is san andreas
i downloaded this Damn i dont even think anyone needs to seed :P it is going 1003kb/s at me
I just dowloaded this 4 minute's ago and its now 85,9% Fast ehh .??
The best Cd Mounter is

Daemon tools Lite i think
same thing, mounted, installed both CDs, and it appears to start loading (CD looking cursor thingy) and then stops. I'm using Windows 7.
PROBLEMS...... After installing the game and copy/pasting the crack, when I try to play the game it reads the disk and then nothing happens...
ATTENTION for all who are experiencing the spinning CD cursory icon followed by nothing happening. NOTE: I am running 32 Vista.

I'm no computer genius but I'll tell you what I did to make it work. I have a feeling something is wrong with the crack provided in this torrent.

1. Mount CD1, run setup, follow instructions for install. You'll also notice the faulty crack entitled "gta-vc".

2. After the install, copy the crack over to the directory. Copy and replace, then right click the new gta-vc file, select properties, then choose Windows 2000 compatibility (not sure if this step is necessary but just letting you know what I did.)

3. Normally now you would be able to run the game, but this is when that blasted cursor pops up. NOW head on over to this website

4. You'll notice cracks for both versions, I used both and the game worked with both. In any event download either one, open in winrar and extract to your desktop or wherever is easy for you.

5. Copy this new crack of the same name (gta-vc) and paste over to the directory file. Copy and replace, you know the drill.

6. That's it! The game should work just fine now. Hope this helps some fellow pirates :)

P.S. If any of you are trying to play this game with a ps3 controller via the motionjoy driver you will quickly notice that the joystick axes are all screwed up. If any of you would like assistance in fixing this problem, drop a comment and I'll get at you and help you solve it. Happy hunting!
oh and thx very much mr.joker85 !
There are no cracks in either CD...
@ProtusMose its actually in the first cd, its just not in a crack folder. its just a file entitled "gta-vc." regardless you probably dont even need to use that crack. just use the one from the website link and it should work fine
the game installed perfectly using daemon tools lite, except i have a problem playing the game. I can't start the game. the Rockstar logo thing appears and that "load 'gta vice ctiy'" thing but then after that, the game crashes. Then this Microsoft runetime c++ library thing comes out and i have to use the task manager to quit it. 'Guys got any tips on solving this problem?
this shit doesn't work, don't download it. minus to mr.joker85